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3:2 aspect ratio monitors

7 PC displays with a 3:2 aspect ratio

List of monitors for computers or game consoles with a 3:2 aspect ratio.

The 3:2 aspect ratio on computer monitors refers to the ratio between the width and height of the screen. In this case, the screen is 3 units wide by 2 units high. This aspect ratio is used primarily on laptops and mobile devices, although there are some desktop monitors that use it as well.

One of the benefits of a 3:2 aspect ratio screen is that it provides a good balance of horizontal and vertical space, making it suitable for a wide variety of tasks, from web browsing to photo and video editing. Also, this aspect ratio is compatible with a large number of games and applications.

However, one downside to this aspect ratio is that it may not be ideal for viewing media in widescreen, as black bars will appear at the top and bottom of the screen. Also, if you are multitasking at the same time, it can be more difficult to fit multiple windows next to each other due to lack of horizontal space.

In general, a 3:2 aspect ratio monitor is ideal for those seeking a balance of horizontal and vertical space to perform a wide variety of tasks. It is especially suitable for those who need a portable screen to work on the go, as this aspect ratio is commonly used on laptops and mobile devices. If you're looking for a screen for watching movies or multitasking, it's best to go for a monitor with an aspect ratio of aspect ratio of 16:9 or higher.